DAI’KE Case In CI-360
The Daike case in machine is a servo-controlled casing in machine. With its well-coordinated sequence control, the Daike case in can be used for casing-in single books in assortment bookbinderies, as well as for series production in industrial bookbinderies and printing works.
The machine operates on the well-known principle of employing and blade for uptake of the book block and the transport of the block between the gluing units. Largely without a need for format setting, small and medium-sized editions can be processed just as easily as special- sized and constantly- changing format. Control of specific procedures at the gluing stage and subsequent transport of the block to the case is assumed by a servo controller. This facility can be used to adapt the gluing process to a variety of blocks types (e.g photo album) and to different kinds of back-liner.